Thursday, August 25, 2011

This one's for the birds.

This birdy girl laid in her bed last night and tossed and turned from 1:30 til 2:00 am. 
(Not that this is unusual :/ !!!)
I should have just gone and gotten my computer and started writing this. Since I couldn't sleep that's what I was doing in my head.  I am sure there there are many left brained people out there who don't understand how one could lay in their bed, not fall asleep, and start writing a blog in their head.  I honestly felt like Carrie Bradshaw, from Sex and the City, hearing my own voice in my head and writing. I didn't go get my computer. I hopelessly laid there, writing(in my head), hoping I would eventually fall to a slumber. After a bit, I did. I know it wasn't a great sleep because I woke up remembering all my horrible dreams, but it was sleep, and I was awakened by a cute man and a cup of coffee;) Which always means it's a pretty great day!

For the birds.

-"If you're a bird, I am a bird."
Those famous lines from The Notebook. They are so true to me. I am sure Sloan thinks that all the time.

-Or there are the Owl City Lyrics: 
"You're the bird and I'm the worm and it's plan to see that we were meant to be."

-There is also this t-shirt I got in the eighth grade that states,
"Love doesn't grow on trees a little birdy told me so."

- Then there is the funny one, 
"You eat like a bird." 

-Lastly, there is, 
"Two birds of a feather flock together," 

or as Train sings it, 
"If it's love and we're two birds of a feather, then the rest is just whenever. And if I'm addicted to loving you, and you're addicted to my love too. We can be them two birds of a feather that flock together."

  So these are just a few of my birdy quotes stashed in my brain;)
Do you have any good ones?

Why do I love birds so? I don't want to overkill and become, "The bird lady," but some of my friends call me a bird, birdy girl, bird lady. So, I guess I am out of that category. What can I say? I get it honest. I get a double dose, my mom who LOVES them, and my dad who goes to the farm from time to time to bird watch.

I love their nests, their colors, their textures, their feathers, their singing, how motherly they are.  I seriously could go on and on... I know I like birds, but I try not to over do it in my house.  I think my decorations are at their max now, and I know I could not handle a pet bird. I like them in nature. They're just inspirational to me. Boy oh boy, birds are so "in" right now. But I didn't start liking them when this fad cam about.
Let me be first to tell you that I loved them before they became cool.  Here is a great point made by the lovely Kate:) 

This is me as a child. I am a bird.  I had a feather pillow. One of the corners had a tiny hole, and at night as I fell asleep I would pull the feathers out and drop them behind my bed. Mom would complain because there was such a mess of feathers behind my bed, but it soothed me, and I didn't stop;)  
The hole in my pillow got bigger and bigger. Finally, one day before or after church in my slip and panty hose, I got the feather duster, hid behind my bed (where I wouldn't get in trouble,) and poured the entire pillow on myself. Haha. My poor parents were calling my name, and I didn't answer because I thought I would get in trouble. They found me, laughed their heads off, and took this classic picture of, "Diva feather-queen Lilly." What a loon! Case in point, I have always been a bird. 
I no longer have a feather pillow but to this day, I still pick a feathers in couches.  There are a few feathers on our floor now! 

It's the right brain in me, having to touch, feel, and see. Thanks to my sweet Mommy and Daddy for putting up with this crazy curly headed SO right brain kid! And thanks sweet Sloan for marrying it!  I love you all so much. 
Just think if I wasn't tactile as a kid, I wouldn't be making things with my hands today!
I wouldn't be me!
I don't even like thinking about a non tactile Lilly;)

I guess once a bird always a bird! 

Lilly Grace