Sunday, February 19, 2012


The song, hallelujah has so much meaning to me.  I use to love it so much, I almost walked into my wedding to the bag pipe version.  I am glad I didn't because it now has a different meaning to me.  It is much more deeper and spiritual.

When my Uncle Bad (John Reed Hill) passed away last quarter, it was sang (so beautifully mind you) by the Sorrel brothers.  He had told Dr. Sorrel that his favorite song was when they sang that a few weeks before his passing.  Naturally, this song brings emotion to me. 

Everytime I hear it, it seems to make me stop and think:

While at John Reed's (uncle bads son) birthday party at "Pump it up" over Christmas Break, we are all running and playing to kid friendly/ fun music. Randomly, hallelujah came on. Now seriously, what makes that song come on at a place like that? It brought many to tears, and to me it was just the Holy Spirit and John letting us know it's ok, and that he is in a better place.

Last week, after pulling many all nighters and having high emotions from lack of sleep, I was sitting in the computer lab, with my friends,  and feeling frustrated with all the work I had ahead of me.  We were working on more homework and to keep us awake, my friend started playing Disney music off of Pandora.  After hearing bibbity bobbity boo, Pocahontas, and many other silly songs, hallelujah came on.  I for some reason could not hold back the tears like I had at John Reed's birthday party.  Excusing myself from the computer lab, it hit me.  It was Uncle Bad's birthday- this made me cry harder.  I mean, if you don't believe in the Holy spirit, I wish you could have felt what I felt at that point in time. It was possibly one of the coolest feelings I have ever had.  I had really wanted to call my family that day to see how everyone was- knowing it was his birthday.  Being "so overwhelmed" with school work I had not taken the time to do so.  This made me.  This happening just put things in perspective.  I was being shown how petty the things I was working on and so frustrated with.

I wish I could give everyone the overwhelming yet amazing feeling I felt at that moment in time.  It is one time in my life where I just want to hold forever. Praise God for moments like these in life. 

"And remember when I moved in you
The holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah"